It's never too late...

We bring you the heart in every story, the wisdom in every teacher, and the transformation in every spirit... it is never too late to Thrive.
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How does it work?

We bring

the experience to you

Access the workshop experience with international relationship experts from the privacy of your home.

Simple steps.

Big changes.

Transform your life with our easy-to-follow workshop, simple steps, and free guided workbook.

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Our Programs

Thriving in relationship

Most of our struggles in life are relationship struggles. Join Catherine and Duane O’Kane, RCC’s, with over 60 combined years of experience as they guide you through an intimate journey using exercises and examples from their personal lives.
Now In

Thriving as parents

Parenting is a relationship, it’s not a job. Join international authority on child development Gordon Neufeld, Ph.D and best selling author Dr. Gabor Maté for parenting wisdom from their best selling book “Hold onto your kids”.
Now In

Thriving in Indigenous wisdom

Could Indigenous wisdom be our pathway home to a life-sustaining society?

Our Documentaries



Join Duane and Catherine in this heart wrenching documentary that explores the power of REAL authentic human connection. It’s never too late.

I heart bullies

When we change what we see we can change what we do. Join International authority on child development Gordon Neufeld, Ph.D and best selling author Dr. Gabor Maté as they explore the origins and misunderstandings of bullying behaviour.


SKIDS is a documentary film that follows a unique school and a group of students on their journey to overcome the effects of trauma, judgement, and the labels cast upon them.
I have been struggling in my relationships with my husband and children for years until I was introduced to Thrive. Duane and Catherine’s Series really helped me understand where my struggle in connection was coming from and taught me how to be real, authentic and loving to myself and those around me.
Taught me how to be real, authentic and loving to myself and those around me.
Lianne C
Thrive delivers a powerful concoction of professional knowledge and emotional connection through the medium of film. The series format really invites you to step into the room with the film’s participants, and the written content supports you through the courses well after you finish the first watch-through.
Delivers a powerful concoction of professional knowledge and emotional connection through the medium of film.
Jennifer W
I was severely bullied in school. I hated everything, was scared and always grumpy. Catherine’s voice is so calming and helped soothe my wounds.
I was severely bullied for four years in school. I really hated everything, was scared and always grumpy. Culturally, it was just impossible to share with my parents. Catherine’s voice is so calming and really helped soothe my wounds. I want to be more open with my children in the future as a result.

Samantha Sik

I have been avoiding relationships thinking I needed to do more work on myself or that I was maybe just not cut out to be in relationship. I had so many a-ha’s during the class. It was so engaging and entertaining, it did not feel like “work”. This class gave me a deeper understanding about myself and what I bring into my relationships, I feel empowered and ready to take the next step.
This class gave me a deeper understanding about myself and what I bring into my relationships.
Brian J

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